removing travis config, snap will be the ci
[tech-radar.git] / karma-dist.conf.js
1 // Karma configuration
2 // Generated on Wed May 20 2015 15:45:04 GMT-0300 (BRT)
4 module.exports = function(config) {
5 config.set({
6 basePath: '.',
7 frameworks: ['jasmine'],
8 files: [
9 'dist/chance.js',
10 'dist/d3.min.js',
11 'dist/tech-radar.min.js',
12 'test/**/*.js'
13 ],
14 exclude: [ ],
15 reporters: ['progress'],
16 port: 9876,
17 colors: true,
18 logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
19 autoWatch: false,
20 browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
21 captureTimeout: 60000,
22 singleRun: false
23 });
24 };