fix a bug where certmaster was writing out the client csr file over and over if it...
[certmaster.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 from distutils.core import setup
4 #from setuptools import setup,find_packages
6 NAME = "certmaster"
7 VERSION = open("version", "r+").read().split()[0]
8 SHORT_DESC = "%s remote configuration and management api" % NAME
9 LONG_DESC = """
10 A small pluggable xml-rpc daemon used by %s to implement various web services hooks
11 """ % NAME
14 if __name__ == "__main__":
16 manpath = "share/man/man1/"
17 etcpath = "/etc/%s" % NAME
18 initpath = "/etc/init.d/"
19 logpath = "/var/log/%s/" % NAME
20 certdir = "/var/lib/%s/" % NAME
21 pkipath = "/etc/pki/%s" % NAME
22 rotpath = "/etc/logrotate.d"
23 aclpath = "%s/minion-acl.d" % etcpath
24 setup(
25 name="%s" % NAME,
26 version = VERSION,
27 author = "Lots",
28 author_email = "",
29 url = "",
30 license = "GPL",
31 scripts = [
32 "scripts/certmaster", "scripts/certmaster-ca",
33 "scripts/certmaster-request",
34 ],
35 # package_data = { '' : ['*.*'] },
36 package_dir = {"%s" % NAME: "%s" % NAME
37 },
38 packages = ["%s" % NAME,
39 ],
40 data_files = [(initpath, ["init-scripts/certmaster"]),
41 (etcpath, ["etc/minion.conf"]),
42 (etcpath, ["etc/certmaster.conf"]),
43 (manpath, ["docs/certmaster.1.gz"]),
44 (manpath, ["docs/certmaster-request.1.gz"]),
45 (manpath, ["docs/certmaster-ca.1.gz"]),
46 (rotpath, ['etc/certmaster_rotate']),
47 (logpath, []),
48 (certdir, []),
49 (etcpath, []),
50 (pkipath, []),
51 (aclpath, [])
52 ],
53 description = SHORT_DESC,
54 long_description = LONG_DESC
55 )