return certfile
+ # return a list of already signed certs
+ def get_signed_certs(self, hostglobs=None):
+ certglob = "%s/*.cert" % (self.cfg.certroot)
+ certs = []
+ globs = "*"
+ if hostglobs:
+ globs = hostglobs
+ for hostglob in globs:
+ certglob = "%s/%s.cert" % (self.cfg.certroot, hostglob)
+ certs = certs + glob.glob(certglob)
+ signed_certs = []
+ for cert in certs:
+ # just want the hostname, so strip off path and ext
+ signed_certs.append(os.path.basename(cert).split(".cert", 1)[0])
+ return signed_certs
+ # return a list of the cert hash string we use to identify systems
+ def get_cert_hashes(self, hostglobs=None):
+ certglob = "%s/*.cert" % (self.cfg.certroot)
+ certfiles = []
+ globs = "*"
+ if hostglobs:
+ globs = hostglobs
+ for hostglob in globs:
+ certglob = "%s/%s.cert" % (self.cfg.certroot, hostglob)
+ certfiles = certfiles + glob.glob(certglob)
+ cert_hashes = []
+ for certfile in certfiles:
+ cert = certs.retrieve_cert_from_file(certfile)
+ cert_hashes.append("%s-%s" % (cert.get_subject().CN, cert.subject_name_hash()))
+ return cert_hashes
def _run_triggers(self, ref, globber):
return utils.run_triggers(ref, globber)
help='sign requests of hosts specified')
parser.add_option('-c', '--clean', default=False, action="store_true",
help="clean out all certs or csrs for the hosts specified")
+ parser.add_option("", "--list-signed", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help='list all signed certs')
+ parser.add_option("", "--list-cert-hash", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help="list the cert hash for signed certs")
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not opts.list and not opts.sign and not opts.clean:
+ # gotta be a better way...
+ if not opts.list and not opts.sign and not opts.clean \
+ and not opts.list_signed and not opts.list_cert_hash:
return 0
+ if opts.list_signed:
+ hostglobs = ["*"]
+ if args:
+ hostglobs = args
+ signed_certs = cm.get_signed_certs(args)
+ for i in signed_certs:
+ print i
+ return 0
+ if opts.list_cert_hash:
+ hostglobs = ["*"]
+ if args:
+ hostglobs = args
+ cert_hashes = cm.get_cert_hashes(hostglobs)
+ for i in cert_hashes:
+ print i
+ return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":