--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+include README
+include requirements.txt
+recursive-include salty_linter *
+recursive-include bin *
+recursive-include data *
--- /dev/null
+Yar. Matey, A quick and dirty linter for salt.
+- some parameters take either a string or a list
+ <salt-state>,<function>:
+ - <global-parameter>: value
+ - <parameter>: <value>
+ <salt-state>:
+ - <function>
+ - <global-parameter> : value
+ - <parameter>: <value>
+- Stage 1:
+ - Validate common salt-state / warn if an unexpected one is seen
+- Stage 2:
+ - Validate state/function combo / warn on unexpected combos
+ - Complain about duplicate state/function combos.
+ - Complain about mutually exclusive fields (for example 'contents' and 'source' from file.manage)
+- Stage 3:
+ - Validate function parameter names
+ - Include global parameters like require, unless etc (https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/states/requisites.html)
+ - Report on missing mandatory parameters (though salt will likely error on this already)
+- Stage 4:
+ - Validate function argument types
+ - How to handle 'string or list' type args ?
+ - Complain about duplicate parameters
+ - Complain about unexpected parameters
+- Stage 5:
+ - Handle includes (wrt duplicate state/functions)
+- Stage 6:
+ - Handle excludes
+- Stage 7: (???)
+ - Validate common module.run <salt-module>.<function> combos
+- Stage 8: (???)
+ - Validate common module.run parameters
+Development Notes
+> virtualenv --python=python3.5 env
+> source ./env/bin/activate
+Build the tar.gz
+> python setup.py sdist
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+from os import access, R_OK
+import os.path
+import pkg_resources
+import pprint
+import sys
+import yaml
+from ruamel.yaml import YAML
+import salty_linter
+default_types = pkg_resources.resource_filename('salty_linter', 'data/salty_linter.yaml')
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+# - option to pick an alternate type database, say for a specific version of salt (defaults to salty-linter.yaml)
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="salty-linter. Let's lint some salt, mateys",
+ epilog='Now let\'s get some salt states in ship shop shape !')
+argparser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help="Let's be super chatty and generate a lot of output.")
+argparser.add_argument('--no-werror', dest='werror', action='store_false', help="Don't treat warnings as errors")
+argparser.add_argument('--typedb', nargs='?', default=default_types, type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="alternative type database.")
+argparser.add_argument('sls', nargs='+', help="list of salt state files")
+argparser.set_defaults(verbose=False, werror=True)
+args = argparser.parse_args()
+if args.verbose:
+# Open the type database file and read in the type database
+# Error out of that file doesn't parse / doesn't exist / is unreadab
+typedb = yaml.load(args.typedb)
+if args.verbose:
+ pp.pprint(typedb)
+exit_status = 0
+for an_sls_filename in args.sls:
+ print('PROCESSING: ' + an_sls_filename)
+ # Check if the file exists and is readable
+ fullpath_sls_filename = os.path.abspath(an_sls_filename)
+ if not os.path.isfile(fullpath_sls_filename):
+ print("error: {} is not a file".format(an_sls_filename))
+ exit_status = 1
+ continue
+ elif not access(fullpath_sls_filename, R_OK):
+ print("error: {} is not readable".format(an_sls_filename))
+ exit_status = 1
+ continue
+ with open(fullpath_sls_filename) as fp:
+ yaml = YAML(typ='rt')
+ sls_yaml = yaml.load(fp)
+ (lint_errors, lint_warnings) = salty_linter.lint(sls_yaml, typedb)
+ if lint_errors or (lint_warnings and args.werror):
+ exit_status = 1
+ for (line_number, an_error) in lint_errors:
+ print("Error: " + an_sls_filename + ": " + str(line_number) + ": " + an_error)
+ for (line_number, a_warning) in lint_warnings:
+ print("Warning: " + an_sls_filename + ": " + str(line_number) + ": " + a_warning)
+if exit_status == 0:
--- /dev/null
+ file.managed:
+ - contents: "it's require not requires"
+ - requires:
+ - cmd: "/bin/echo OOPS I DID IT AGAIN"
+ pkg:
+ - installed
+ service:
+ - running
--- /dev/null
+# This file has two states
+ file.managed:
+ - contents: "I yam who I yam"
+ - user: poppey
+ - group: sailors
+# Also this state has no function parameters
+ file.missing
+# This state has no parameters but a bad function name
+ file.awol
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+import pprint
+def lint(sls_yaml, types):
+ """
+ Check the sls_yaml for Salt errors / warnings
+ typedb : Nested dictionary of Salt states/functions/parameters (partial)
+ sls_yaml: ruamel.yaml[jinja2].load()'d output for some Salt state file.
+ Returns: (errors, warnings)
+ errors: List of (line#, error) tuples
+ warnings: List of (line#, warnings) tuples
+ """
+ pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+ #pp.pprint(dir(sls_yaml))
+ #pp.pprint(sls_yaml.__dict__)
+ def lint_parameters(function_name, parameters, parameter_types):
+ """
+ Input:
+ function_name: String of the form "<state_name>.<function>" currently being linted
+ parameters: Map of {paramter_name: parameter_data} items currently being linted
+ parameter_types: Map of {parameter_name: parameter_type} items
+ Output:
+ errors: List of error string
+ warnings: List of warning strings
+ """
+ errors = []
+ warnings = []
+ for parameter in parameters:
+ parameter_name = next(iter(parameter.keys()))
+ ## parameter is either just a string or a {'parameter' : data} map, or always a map ?
+ if parameter_name in types['globals']:
+ continue
+ elif parameter_name not in parameter_types:
+ s_warning = "Unexpected parameter name {} for {}"
+ warnings.append((parameter.lc.line + 1, s_warning.format(parameter_name, function_name)))
+ else:
+ ## TODO: Add that parameter.values()[0] matches the against parameter_types[parameter] type
+ pass
+ return (errors, warnings)
+ def lint_function(state_name, function_calls, function_types):
+ """
+ Input:
+ state_name: String of the state_name currently being linted
+ function_calls: Map of {function_name: parameters} items currently being linteds
+ function_types; Map of {function_name: parameter_types} items
+ Output:
+ errors: List of error string
+ warnings: List of warning strings
+ """
+ errors = []
+ warnings = []
+ for function_name, parameters in function_calls.items():
+ if function_name not in function_types:
+ warnings.append((parameters.lc.line+1, "Unexpected function name {}.{}.".format(state_name, function_name)))
+ continue
+ else:
+ (parameter_errors, parameter_warnings) = lint_parameters(state_name + "." + function_name, parameters, function_types[function_name])
+ errors += parameter_errors
+ warnings += parameter_warnings
+ return (errors, warnings)
+ ## ------------------------------
+ state_types = types['states']
+ errors = []
+ warnings = []
+ for label, label_value in sls_yaml.items():
+ # It's possible the label_value is just a 'state.function'. See example_sls/two-items.sls
+ if not isinstance(label_value, dict):
+ value = {label_value: []}
+ else:
+ value = label_value
+ for state_function_name, function_calls_or_parameters in value.items():
+ # state_function_name should be 'state_name' or 'state_name.function_name'
+ # sosf => 'state or state.function'
+ # = [state_name] or [state_name, function_name]
+ sosf = state_function_name.split('.')
+ # Verify that sosf[0] is an expected state:
+ state_name = ''
+ if sosf[0] not in state_types:
+ warnings.append((value.lc.line + 1, "Unexpected state name {}.".format(sosf[0])))
+ continue
+ else:
+ state_name = sosf[0]
+ # "state" case
+ # function_calls_or_parameters[0] will be the function name
+ # function_call_or_parameters[1:] will be the parameters
+ if len(sosf) == 1:
+ if not function_calls_or_parameters:
+ errors.append(label_value.lc.line + 1, "Missing function name in parameter list for state {}.".format(state_name))
+ continue
+ function_name = function_calls_or_parameters[0]
+ if function_name not in state_types[state_name]:
+ warnings.append((state_function_name.lc.line + 1, "Unexpected function name {} for {}.".format(function_name, state_name)))
+ continue
+ parameters = function_call_or_parameters[1:]
+ (function_errors, function_warnings) = lint_function(state_name + "." + function_name, parameters, state_types[state_name][function_name])
+ errors += function_errors
+ warnings += function_warnings
+ # "state.function" case
+ # function_calls_or_parameters will be a list of parameters
+ elif len(sosf) == 2:
+ function_name = sosf[1]
+ if function_name not in state_types[state_name]:
+ # TODO: This gives the line number at the top of the label block which isn't great.
+ # It would be better to give the exact like number of the invalid function
+ warnings.append((sls_yaml.lc.key(label)[0] + 1, "Unexpected function name {} for {}.".format(function_name, state_name)))
+ continue
+ # Children should be parameters of "state.function"
+ (parameter_errors, parameter_warnings) = lint_parameters(state_name + "." + function_name, function_calls_or_parameters, state_types[state_name][function_name])
+ errors += parameter_errors
+ warnings += parameter_warnings
+ # Anything other than "state" or "state.function" is an error.
+ else:
+ errors.append((value.lc.line + 1, "Expected <state> or <state>.<function>: Too many '.'s in {}".format(state_function_name)))
+ continue
+ return(errors, warnings)
--- /dev/null
+# Based on the 2018.3.2 salt release
+# This is a partial state/function/parameter database based on the states I use
+# Please submit merge requests for additional coverage
+ basic:
+ - boolean
+ - char
+ - dict
+ - list
+ - string
+ - solos # string_or_list_of_strings: String | [String]
+ template:
+ - cheetah
+ - genshi
+ - jinja
+ - mako
+ - py
+ - wempy
+# global state arguments
+ - check_cmd
+ - fire_event
+ - listen
+ - listen_in
+ - mod_run_check
+ - mod_run_check_cmd
+ - onchanges
+ - onchanges_any
+ - onchanges_in
+ - onfail
+ - onfail_any
+ - onfail_in
+ - onlyif
+ - prereq
+ - prereq_in
+ - require
+ - require_in
+ - require_any
+ - reload_grains
+ - reload_modules
+ - reload_pillar
+ - retry # additional parameter checking available here (attempts, until, interval, splay)
+ - runas
+ - unas_password
+ - unless
+ - use
+ - use_in
+ - watch
+ - watch_any
+ - watch_in
+# states:
+# state-name:
+# function-name:
+# parameter: type
+# ...
+# ...
+# ...
+ file:
+ directory:
+ allow_symlink: boolean
+ backupname: string
+ children_only: boolean
+ clean: integer
+ dir_mode: string
+ exclude_pat: boolean
+ file_mode: string
+ follow_symlinks; boolean
+ force: boolean
+ group: string
+ makedirs: boolean
+ max_depth: integer
+ mode: string
+ name: string
+ recurse: list
+ user: string
+ win_owner: string
+ win_perms: dict
+ win_deny_perms: dict
+ win_inheritence: boolean
+ win_perms_reset: boolean
+ managed:
+ allow_empty: boolean
+ attrs: string
+ backup: string
+ check_cmd: string
+ contents: solos
+ contents_delimiter: char
+ contents_grains: string
+ contents_newline: boolean
+ contents_pillar: string
+ context: dict
+ create: boolean
+ defaults: dict
+ dir_mode: string
+ encoding: stirng
+ encoding_errors: string
+ follow_symlinks: boolean
+ group: string
+ keep_source: boolean
+ makedirs: boolean
+ mode: string
+ name: string
+ replace: boolean
+ skip_verify: boolean
+ show_changes: boolean
+ source: solos
+ source_hash: string
+ source_hash_name: string
+ template: template
+ tmp_ext: string
+ user: string
+ win_deny_perms: dict
+ win_inheritance: boolean
+ win_owner: string
+ win_perms: dict
+ win_perms_reset: boolean
+ missing:
+ name: string
+ touch:
+ atime: string
+ mtime: string
+ makedirs: boolean
+ name: string
+ pkg:
+ installed:
+ allow_updates: boolean
+ cache_valid_time: string
+ fromrepo: string
+ hold: boolean
+ ignore_epoch: boolean
+ ignore_types: list
+ install_recommends: boolean
+ name: string
+ names: list
+ normalize: bool
+ only_upgrade: boolean
+ pkg_verify: bool
+ pkgs: list
+ refresh: boolean
+ report_reboot_exit_codes: boolean
+ resolve_capabilities: boolean
+ skip_suggestions: boolean
+ skip_verify: boolean
+ sources: list
+ update_holds: boolean
+ verify_options: list
+ version: string
+ selinux:
+ mode:
+ name: string
+ service:
+ enabled:
+ name: string
+ running:
+ enable: boolean
+ init_delay: integer
+ name: string
+ no_block: boolean
+ sig: string
+ unmask: boolean
+ unmask_runtime: boolean
--- /dev/null
+# Based on the 2018.3.2 salt release
+# This is a partial state/function/parameter database based on the states I use
+# Please submit merge requests for additional coverage
+ basic:
+ - boolean
+ - char
+ - mos # map of strings
+ - string
+ - solos # string_or_list_of_strings: String | [String]
+ template:
+ - cheetah
+ - genshi
+ - jinja
+ - mako
+ - py
+ - wempy
+# states:
+# state-name:
+# function-name:
+# parameter: type
+# ...
+# ...
+# ...
+ file:
+ managed:
+ allow_empty: boolean
+ attrs: string
+ backup: string
+ check_cmd: string
+ contents: solos
+ contents_delimiter: char
+ contents_grains: string
+ contents_newline: boolean
+ contents_pillar: string
+ context: mos
+ create: boolean
+ defaults: mos
+ dir_mode: string
+ encoding: stirng
+ encoding_errors: string
+ follow_symlinks: boolean
+ group: string
+ keep_source: boolean
+ makedirs: boolean
+ mode: string
+ name: string
+ replace: boolean
+ skip_verify: boolean
+ show_changes: boolean
+ source: solos
+ source_hash: string
+ source_hash_name: string
+ template: template
+ tmp_ext: string
+ user: string
+ win_deny_perms: mos
+ win_inheritance: boolean
+ win_owner: string
+ win_perms: mos
+ win_perms_reset: boolean
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from distutils.core import setup
+import setuptools
+with open('requirements.txt') as fp:
+ install_requires = fp.read()
+with open('test_requirements.txt') as fp:
+ tests_require = fp.read()
+ name = 'salty_linter',
+ version = '1.0.0',
+ author = 'Jude N',
+ author_email = 'its_still_require_not_requires_matey@pwan.org',
+ description = 'A salt linter',
+ long_description = 'A salt linter that checks for common salt state/function/parameters combos',
+ url = "https://pwan.org/git/?p=salty_linter;a=summary",
+ packages = ['salty_linter'],
+ package_dir = {'salty_linter' : 'salty_linter'},
+ install_requires = install_requires,
+ tests_require = tests_require,
+ package_data = {'salty_linter': ['data/*.yaml']},
+ scripts = ['bin/salty-linter']