import re
from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from time import sleep
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
-from errbot import BotPlugin, arg_botcmd, botcmd, re_botcmd, webhook
+from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd, arg_botcmd, re_botcmd, webhook
from errbot.templating import tenv
from errcron.bot import CrontabMixin
import gitlab
+import requests
+def addprojecthook_extra(self, project_id, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
+ """
+ A copy parent addprojecthook with an extra_data field
+ """
+ data = {"id": project_id, "url": url}
+ if extra_data:
+ for ed_key, ed_value in extra_data.items():
+ data[ed_key] = ed_value
+ data['push_events'] = int(bool(push))
+ data['issues_events'] = int(bool(issues))
+ data['merge_requests_events'] = int(bool(merge_requests))
+ data['tag_push_events'] = int(bool(tag_push))
+ request = requests.post("{0}/{1}/hooks".format(self.projects_url, project_id),
+ headers=self.headers, data=data, verify=self.verify_ssl)
+ if request.status_code == 201:
+ return request.json()
+ return False
+gitlab.Gitlab.addprojecthook_extra = addprojecthook_extra
+def editprojecthook_extra(self, project_id, hook_id, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
+ """
+ A copy of the parent editprojecthook with an extra_data field
+ """
+ data = {"id": project_id, "hook_id": hook_id, "url": url}
+ if extra_data:
+ for ed_key, ed_value in extra_data.items():
+ data[ed_key] = ed_value
+ data['push_events'] = int(bool(push))
+ data['issues_events'] = int(bool(issues))
+ data['merge_requests_events'] = int(bool(merge_requests))
+ data['tag_push_events'] = int(bool(tag_push))
+ request = requests.put("{0}/{1}/hooks/{2}".format(self.projects_url, project_id, hook_id),
+ headers=self.headers, data=data, verify=self.verify_ssl)
+ return request.status_code == 200
+gitlab.Gitlab.editprojecthook_extra = editprojecthook_extra
def deltastr(any_delta):
target_project_id = request['object_attributes']['target_project_id']
iid = request['object_attributes']['iid']
- mr_id = request['object_attributes']['id']
+ # If the MR is tagged 'never-close' ignore it
+ if 'labels' in request:
+ for a_label in request['labels']:
+ if a_label['title'] == 'never-close':
+ self.log.info("Skipping never-close notice for {} MR".format(url))
+ return "OK"
msg_template = "Hi there ! {} has opened a new {}MR: \"{}\"\n{}/merge_requests/{}"
msg = msg_template.format(author_name, wip, title, url, iid)
open_mrs = self['OPEN_MRS']
- if (target_project_id, mr_id, rooms) not in open_mrs:
+ if (target_project_id, iid, rooms) not in open_mrs:
for a_room in rooms.split(','):
if self.config:
self.send(self.build_identifier(a_room + '@' + self.chatroom_host), msg)
- self.log.info("webhook: Saving ({}, {}, {})".format(target_project_id, mr_id, rooms))
- open_mrs[(target_project_id, mr_id, rooms)] = True
+ self.log.info("webhook: Saving ({}, {}, {})".format(target_project_id, iid, rooms))
+ open_mrs[(target_project_id, iid, rooms)] = True
self['OPEN_MRS'] = open_mrs
+ # TODO: Add check if an MR has toggled the WIP indicator
+ # (trigger on updates (what's that look like in request['object_attributes']['state'])
+ # Then check in request['changes']['title']['previous'] starts with 'WIP:'
+ # but not request['changes']['title']['current'], and vice versa
+ # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/53529
return "OK"
def mr_status_msg(self, a_mr, author=None):
# getapprovals is only available in GitLab 8.9 EE or greater
# (not the open source CE version)
# approvals = self.gitlab.getapprovals(a_mr['id'])
- # also_approved = ""
+ # approved = ""
# for approved in approvals['approved_by']:
- # also_approved += "," + approved['user']['name']
+ # approved += "," + approvals['user']['name']
+ # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/35498
+ # awards = GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/award_emoji
+ # for an award in awards:
+ # if name==??? and award_type==???:
+ # approved += "," + award["user"]["username"]
upvotes = a_mr['upvotes']
msg = "{} (opened {})".format(a_mr['web_url'], str_open_since)
# initialize the reminders
rooms = self.rooms()
for a_room in rooms:
+ self.log.info("poller: a_room.node: {}".format(a_room.node))
reminder_msg[a_room.node] = []
still_open_mrs = {}
for a_room in notify_rooms.split(','):
- reminder_msg[a_room].append(msg_dict)
+ if a_room in reminder_msg:
+ reminder_msg[a_room].append(msg_dict)
+ else:
+ self.log.error("{} not in reminder_msg (project_id={}, mr_id={})".format(a_room, project_id, mr_id))
+ self['OPEN_MRS'] = open_mrs
# Remind each of the rooms about open MRs
for a_room, room_msg_list in reminder_msg.items():
msg = ""
still_open_mrs = {}
open_mrs = self['OPEN_MRS']
+ self.log.info('open_mrs: {}'.format(open_mrs))
for (project, mr_id, notify_rooms) in open_mrs:
# Lookup the MR from the project/id
# If the MR is no longer open, skip to the next MR,
# and don't include this MR in the next check
if 'opened' not in a_mr['state']:
+ self.log.info('state not opened: {}'.format(a_mr['state']))
still_open_mrs[(project, mr_id, notify_rooms)] = True
return msg
for a_hook in hooks:
- self.log.info('a_hook: {} {}'.format(a_hook, self.webhook_url))
+ self.log.info('a_hook: {}'.format(a_hook))
if a_hook['merge_requests_events'] and a_hook['url'].startswith(self.webhook_url):
marge_hook = a_hook
self.log.info('watchrepo: {}'.format(msg))
return msg
- hook_updated = self.gitlab.editprojecthook(target_project_id, marge_hook['id'], url, merge_requests=True)
+ hook_updated = self.gitlab.editprojecthook_extra(target_project_id, marge_hook['id'], url, merge_requests=True, extra_data={'enable_ssl_verification': True})
s_watch_msg = "Updating room list for {} MRs from {} to {}".format(repo, old_rooms, rooms)
s_action = "update"
- hook_updated = self.gitlab.addprojecthook(target_project_id, url, merge_requests=True)
+ hook_updated = self.gitlab.addprojecthook_extra(target_project_id, url, merge_requests=True, extra_data={'enable_ssl_verification': True})
s_watch_msg = "Now watching for new MRs in the {} repo to the {} room(s)".format(repo, rooms)
s_action = "add"
# If adding a new repo, check for existing opened/reopened MRs in the repo.
+ # For debugging the 'watchrepo didn't find my MR' issue.
+ # mr_list = self.gitlab.getmergerequests(target_project_id, page=1, per_page=100)
+ # self.log.error('juden: mr_list state: {}'.format(mr_list[0]['state']))
for state in ['opened', 'reopened']:
page = 1
mr_list = self.gitlab.getmergerequests(target_project_id, page=page, per_page=100, state=state)
while (mr_list is not False) and (mr_list != []):
for an_mr in mr_list:
mr_count += 1
- self.log.info('watchrepo: an_mr WATS THE ID\n{}'.format(an_mr))
- mr_id = an_mr['id']
+ self.log.info('watchrepo: an_mr WATS THE IID\n{}'.format(an_mr))
+ mr_id = an_mr['iid']
open_mrs[(target_project_id, mr_id, rooms)] = True
# Get the next page of MRs
page += 1
mr_msg = "1 open MR was found in the repo. Run !reviews to see the updated MR list."
mr_msg = "{} open MRs were found in the repo. Run !reviews to see the updated MR list."
return "{}\n{}".format(s_watch_msg, mr_msg)
# pragma pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ @botcmd()
+ def xyzzy(self, msg, args):
+ """
+ Don't call this command...
+ """
+ yield "/me whispers \"All open MRs have been merged into master.\""
+ sleep(5)
+ yield "(just kidding)"
@re_botcmd(pattern=r"I blame marge(bot)?", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def dont_blame_margebot(self, msg, match):
yield u"(\u300D\uFF9F\uFF9B\uFF9F)\uFF63NOOOooooo say it ain't so."
+ @re_botcmd(pattern=r"\u0028\u256F\u00B0\u25A1\u00B0\uFF09\u256F\uFE35\u0020\u253B(\u2501+)\u253B", prefixed=False)
+ def deflipped(self, msg, match):
+ """
+ Unflip a properly sized table
+ """
+ table_len = len(match.group(1))
+ deflip_table = u"\u252c" + (u"\u2500" * table_len) + u"\u252c \u30ce( \u309c-\u309c\u30ce)"
+ # yield u"\u252c\u2500\u2500\u252c \u30ce( \u309c-\u309c\u30ce)"
+ yield deflip_table
@re_botcmd(pattern=r"good bot", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def best_bot(self, msg, match):
return "More like MargeFest, amirite ?"
+# ha the dev-infra room sez koji sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
+# @re_botcmd(pattern=r"k+o+j+i+", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+# def koji(self, msg, args):
+# """
+# More like daikaiju, amirite ?
+# """
+# return "More like kaiju, amirite ?"
+ @re_botcmd(pattern=r"peruvian chicken", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ def booruvian(self, msg, args):
+ """
+ They put hard boiled eggs in their tamales too.
+ """
+ return "More like Booruvian chicken, amirite ?"
+ @re_botcmd(pattern=r"booruvian chicken", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ def booihoohooruvian(self, msg, args):
+ """
+ That chicken I do not like.
+ """
+ return "More like Boohoohooruvian chicken, amirite ?"
@re_botcmd(pattern=r"margebot sucks", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
- def margebot_sucks(self, msg, args):
+ def new_agenda_item(self, msg, args):
Bring it up with the committee
return "Bring it up with the Margebot steering committee."
+ @re_botcmd(pattern=r"jackie", prefixed=False, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+ def jackie(self, msg, args):
+ """
+ Who dat ?
+ """
+ return "I don't know any Jackies. I'm calling security."
@re_botcmd(pattern=r".*", prefixed=True)
def catchall(self, msg, args):
return []
monkeypatch.setattr(gitlab.Gitlab, 'getmergerequests', mock_getmergerequests)
- def mock_addprojecthook(self, project, url, **kwargs):
+ def mock_addprojecthook_extra(self, project, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
return True
- monkeypatch.setattr(gitlab.Gitlab, 'addprojecthook', mock_addprojecthook)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(gitlab.Gitlab, 'addprojecthook_extra', mock_addprojecthook_extra, raising=False)
- def mock_editprojecthook(self, project, hook_id, url, **kwargs):
+ def mock_editprojecthook_extra(self, project, hook_id, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
return True
- monkeypatch.setattr(gitlab.Gitlab, 'editprojecthook', mock_editprojecthook)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(gitlab.Gitlab, 'editprojecthook_extra', mock_editprojecthook_extra, raising=False)
return gitlab.Gitlab
# def MargeGitlab(self, monkeypatch):
# def mock_addprojecthook_extra(self, project, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
# return True
-# monkeypatch.setattr('plugins.marge.MargeGitlab.addprojecthook_extra', mock_addprojecthook_extra)
+# monkeypatch.setattr(plugins.marge.MargeGitlab, 'addprojecthook_extra')
# def mock_editprojecthook_extra(self, project, hook_id, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
# return True
-# monkeypatch.setattr('plugins.marge.MargeGitlab.editprojecthook_extra', mock_editprojecthook_extra)
-# return marge.MargeGitlab
+# monkeypatch.setattr(plugins.marge.MargeGitlab, 'editprojecthook_extra')
+# return plugins.marge.MargeGitlab
def gitlab_no_reviews(self, gitlab, monkeypatch):
def gitlab_one_review(self, gitlab, monkeypatch):
- ret_mr = {'id': 'mr_id',
+ ret_mr = {'iid': 'mr_id',
'author': {'id': 2001},
'created_at': 'Oct 29, 2017 2:37am',
'merge_status': 'can_be_merged',
pm = margebot.pop_message()
assert 'Updating room list for group/new_repo MRs from room1,room2,room3 to room4,room5,room6' in pm
-# @pytest.mark.skip(reason='until I figure out how to mock MargeGitlab')
def test_watchrepo_existing_mr(self, margebot, gitlab_one_review):
margebot.push_message('!watchrepo sample/mr room1,room2,room3')
pm = margebot.pop_message()