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+Elixir on Centos 7
+:date: 2017-10-08
+:tags: hints, elixir, centos
+:category: hints
+:author: Jude N
+I'm at the point with a Elixir/Phoneix side project that I'm thinking about deployment.
+The first big stumbling block was that development envioronment (Ubuntu 16.04) wasn't the same as my deployment environment (Centos 7).
+For Ubuntu, I could pull the latest Elixir packages from `Erlang Solutions`_, but they don't host Centos Elixir packages,
+and the version of Elixir on EPEL is `over 4 years old`_ - old enough that 'mix deps' on my project was erroring out.
+I found the posts below about installing Elixir on Centos 7 but, they involve cloning the Elixir repo and building it from source,
+but I don't want development tools like git and gcc on my production machines.
+- https://gist.github.com/binarytemple-clients/52bec05fc9bdba80d737
+- http://www.jeramysingleton.com/install-erlang-and-elixir-on-centos-7-minimal/
+- https://www.unixmen.com/install-erlang-elixir-centos-7/
+I also found https://www.vultr.com/docs/how-to-install-the-phoenix-framework-on-centos-7 but it involves downloading a
+precompiled `mystery meat`_ bundle off Github. However https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir doesn't mention that these precompiled
+bundles are available or how the bundles were built. The precompiled bundle is mentioned on `the elixir-lang.org install page`_, but still, that's too mysterious for me.
+Maybe one of those links will work for you, but `what I want`_ is a way to build a more recent version of the Elixir rpm than what was available in EPEL. That way I can recompile and package Elixir on a dev machine, and then only copy the rpm up to my production machine.
+It looks like Elixir is stuck in EPEL waiting for the Erlang 18 release to get promoted in EPEL, so maybe I can take the existing Elixir packaging source and build it against the latest Erlang packages from Erlang Solutions...
+I found the packaging source at https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/elixir and after poking around a bit I came up with Vagrantfile below. It seems to be working OK so far.
+.. raw:: html
+ <script src="https://gist.github.com/jude/1ed06603135cb47c4bb59e52e8c96af0.js"></script>
+Lessons Learned
+- `spectool`_ is my new favorite utility.
+- Make sure your Elixir development environment is as close as possible to your deployment environment.
+Next Steps
+- Convert the Vagrantfile into a Dockerfile or start using vagrant-lxc
+.. _Erlang Solutions: https://www.erlang-solutions.com/resources/download.html
+.. _over 4 years old: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=552725
+.. _the elixir-lang.org install page: https://elixir-lang.org/install.html#precompiled-package
+.. _mystery meat: http://www.torontosun.com/2017/07/19/mystery-meat-crashes-onto-florida-familys-roof
+.. _spectool: http://pkgbuild.sourceforge.net/spectool.html
+.. _what I want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQ
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+Using Lua macros in an RPM specfile
+:date: 2015-07-12
+:tags: hint,lua,rpmbuild,rpm,specilfe
+:fcategory: hints
+:author: Jude N
+I've found using Lua macros in rpm spec files to be pretty useful. I haven't found many examples of their use online, so here's how I ended up using them.
+I had a situation where I needed to make a subpackage from all the files in a number of different subdirectories. The structure of the files in the subdirectories was fixed,
+but the number of subdirectories could change over time, and I didn't want to have to update the spec file each time a new subdirectory was added or removed.
+.. _lua macros in rpm spec files: http://www.rpm.org/wiki/PackagerDocs/RpmLua
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+Using pm-utils to save/restore VMs on workstation suspend/restore
+:date: 2017-09-16
+:tags: hints,ubuntu,vagrant,pm
+:category: hints
+:author: Jude N
+I use Ubuntu (16.04 for now) and Vagrant (1.9.0 for now) on a bunch of my projects, and I've been running into somethinng like this
+`power management bug` for a while now, where after restoring from suspension, my vagrant sessions would be dead and I'd have to
+'vagrant halt' and 'vagrant up' before another 'vagrant ssh' would succeed.
+To work around this, I came up with some /etc/pm/sleep.d scripts which would save any running vagrant boxes when suspending the
+workstation and then resume the VMs when resuming the workstation.
+Now if I'm in a 'vagrant ssh' session and Ubuntu suspends/resumes, instead of coming back to a frozen session, I'll see I've been
+disconnected from the ssh session, and I can do another 'vagrant ssh' without having to halt/re-up the VM. That's better than nothing,
+but the next step here is to start using something like screen or tmux in my vagrant sessions so I can restore right back to where I left
+So why bother with two scripts when you could have 1 script with a single case statement ? I wanted saving the running vagrant boxes to
+happen when all the usual services and userspace infrastructure was still running, so I wanted that script in the 00 -49 range from as
+per the 'Sleep Hook Ordering Convention' portion of 'man 8 pm-action`. However I don't restoration to happen until all the services
+restarted, so I pushed to the end of the service handling hook range. I may want to revisit this, and rename it to 75_vagrant.
+Note in the resume script, the command is pushed into the background since I didn't want want to wait for the VMs to be restored before
+resuming Ubuntu. I'm usually checking email or the web for a bit before going back to my VMs so I'm OK if that's ready immediately.
+Here are some other lessons I learned from these scripts:
+- I didn't know `vagrant global-status`_ existed !
+- vagrant commands have to be run as the user started the VM. I had to use runuser to run the vagrant commands as my dev user.
+- I learned the '-I %' approach of `getting xargs to insert it's argument in the middle of a command`_.
+The first script is /etc/pm/sleep.d/01_vagrant:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #!/bin/bash
+ YOURNAME="your normal nonroot user name"
+ case "$1" in
+ suspend)
+ timestamp=`date --rfc-3339=seconds`
+ echo "${timestamp}: $0 output" >> /var/log/pm-suspend-vagrant.log
+ (/sbin/runuser -u ${YOURNAME} /usr/bin/vagrant global-status | grep running | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs -L1 -I % runuser -u ${YOURNAME} vagrant suspend % ) >> /var/log/pm-suspend-vagrant.log
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Don't let errors above stop suspension
+ true
+The second script is /etc/pm/sleep.d/74_vagrant.sh
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #!/bin/bash
+ YOURNAME="your normal nonroot user name"
+ case "$1" in
+ resume)
+ # Push the restoration into the background so it doesn't slow down
+ timestamp=`date --rfc-3339=seconds`
+ ((/sbin/runuser -u ${YOURNAME} /usr/bin/vagrant global-status | grep saved | awk '{ print $1; }' | xargs -L1 -I % runuser -u ${YOURNAME} vagrant resume % ) >> /var/log/pm-resume-vagrant.log) &
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Don't let errors above stop restoration
+ true
+- http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/pm-action.8.html
+.. _power management bug: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/15378
+.. _vagrant global-status: https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/cli/global-status.html
+.. _getting xargs to insert it's argument in the middle of a command: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40355248/496127
--- /dev/null
+Certmaster lessons learned
+:date: 2015-12-18
+:tags: lessons,certmaster
+:category: lessons
+:author: Jude N
+I'm started occassional series about lessons I've learned after finishing with a project. The kick-off article is about a `certmaster`_ fork I've been working on.
+I've been using certmaster at $work for a few years now, but when we wanted to start using multiple certificate authorities, we had to spin up different instances of certmaster, with each instance
+using on its own IP/port. It would be better if a single instance of certmaster could serve multiple CA's by adding a '--ca' flag. This is the functionality that `my fork of certmaster`_ provides, and
+here are the lessons I learned while working on this:
+bats versus shunit2
+certmaster doesn't include any tests, so I wanted to write some functional tests to verify my changes worked as expected.
+I started out working with `bats_`, but it fell down when I needed to push a command into the background - it just wouldn't do it. I tried the 'gotcha' suggestions from `this engine yard post`_ but to no avail.
+I switched the tests to `shunit2`_ and had no trouble pushing commands into the background.
+Assigning here documents to variables
+.. code-block:: bash
+ variable=$(cat <<EOF
+ this text will get assigned to variable.
+.. _certmaster: https://fedorahosted.org/certmaster/
+.. _my fork of certmaster: https://pwan.org/git/?p=certmaster.git;a=summary
+.. _bats: https://github.com/sstephenson/bats
+.. _this engine yard post: https://blog.engineyard.com/2014/bats-test-command-line-tools
+.. _shunit2: https://code.google.com/p/shunit2/
--- /dev/null
+NixOS Installation Stumbling Blocks
+:date: 2017-09-04
+:tags: lessons,nixos
+:category: lessons
+:author: Jude N
+Here are some issues I ran into installing `NixOS`_ and how I eventually got around them.
+Setting up a static IP since DHCP wasn't available.
+My VM was hosted in an oVirt cluster where DHCP wasn't working/configured, so the installation CD booted without a network. Here's how I manually configred a static IP:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ifconfig enp0s3 <my-static-ip> netmask <my-netmask>
+ route add default gw <gateway-ip>
+ echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
+Partitioning the disk
+I spent a lot of time messing with various partitioning schemes until I stumbled across one that worked. I didn't need disk encryption, and I didn't want to bother trying `UEFI with ovirt`_, so here's what I ended up with.
+- A 20G disk split into /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2
+- /dev/sda1 is a 400MB 'WIN VFAT32' partition (type 'b', not type '4' !!)
+- /dev/sda2 is a LVM partition with the rest of the space
+- For the LVM, /dev/vg/swap is an 8G swap partition and /dev/vg/root has the rest of the LVM parition
+In retrospect, I think a lot of my partitioning pain may have been caused by trying to have /dev/sda1 set as a BIOS Parition (type '4'), since I suspect the BIOS partition has to be under 32M.
+Also in retrospect, I see only 23M is actually used on the current /boot parition, so maybe 400MB was way too much and I should have gone with /dev/sda1 being 32M and type '4'. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
+I think I also ran into problems using fsck on the boot partition instead of fsck.vfat.
+When the boot partition wasn't working, grub would fall into rescue mode and the various 'set prefix / set root / insmod' fixes like `this one`_ or `this other one`_ didn't work.
+What did work here was booting the system with the install CD again, mounting /mnt/boot manually and seeing that failed, or that /mnt/boot contained gibberish after mounting, and then unmounting /mnt/boot and using `testdisk`_ to fix the partition type. Testdisk really saved the day.
+Mounting the boot partition
+Before running nixos-install, I had to also mount the boot partition under /mnt/boot:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ > mount /dev/vg/root /mnt
+ > mkdir -p /mnt/boot
+ > mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
+ > nixos-install
+Verify the /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix device paths
+When I was messing with the disk partitioning, I rebuilt the /dev/sda1 partition a couple times. Apparently when you do that, you get new UUID for the device.
+This meant the "/boot" file system in /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix was using a device path that was no longer valid. I updated the file to point to the current /boot device and reran 'nixos-install'.
+It looks like nixos-install isn't verifying the device paths are valid, since nixos-install ran OK with the invalid device paths.
+Configuring a static IP in /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix
+Here's what I ended up adding to the configuration.nix file to set up static IP:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ networking = {
+ hostName = '<my hostname>';
+ usePredictableInterfacenames = false;
+ interfaces.eth0.ip4 = [{
+ address= "<my ipv4 address>";
+ prefixLength = <my netmask prefix>;
+ }];
+ defaultGateway = "<my gateway>"
+ nameservers = [ "" ];
+ };
+I also adding this boot setting:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ boot.load.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
+- https://chris-martin.org/2015/installing-nixos (useful, but I didn't want UEFI or disk encryption - I got the 'have to mount /mnt/boot' step here)
+- https://gist.github.com/martijnvermaat/76f2e24d0239470dd71050358b4d5134
+- https://polycrystal.org/posts/2014-10-27-installing-nix.html
+.. _NixOS: https://nixos.org/
+.. _UEFI with ovirt: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1327846
+.. _this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/119597/grub-rescue-error-unknown-filesystem
+.. _this other one: https://www.linux.com/learn/how-rescue-non-booting-grub-2-Linux
+.. _testdisk: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk
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+Lessons from Wriing a Pylint Plugin
+:date: 2017-09-24
+:tags: lessons,python,pylint,peer reviews
+:category: lessons
+:author: Jude N
+At work there's a python coding convention that I tend to overlook a lot.
+So when I post merge requests, there's a pretty good chance someone's going to
+call me out on this, which leads to a followup commit and another round of
+peer review. This can lead to an extra delay of a few hours until I notice
+the comments, switch context back to that merge request, making the changes,
+update the merge request and wait for another round of reviews. If I could
+find a way to check my code for this convention before posting the merge
+requsts, I could get my code merged in a few hours faster....
+The Convention
+The coding convention I cannot internalize is as follows: In python,
+the format method for strings will call the __format__ method on its arguments
+for you, so any code that looks like:
+.. code-block:: python
+ "interpolate these: {} {}".format(str(a), str(b))
+Need only look like:
+.. code-block:: python
+ "interpolate me: {} {}".format(a, b)
+The Pylint Plugin
+So googling around led my to `this Ned Batchelder post`_ from a few years back.
+That post also led to a couple pylint plugins `here`_. Looking at `pylint's own format checker`_
+reminded me that I should also be handling keyword arguments.
+From the post and sample code, it looked like I needed to define a checker class with a visit_callfunc method
+that would check when the 'format' method was used, and then check all the arguments to the format call and
+throw an error if any of them where a function call to str().
+Here's what I eventually ended up.
+.. raw:: html
+ <script src="https://gist.github.com/jude/aa599e3f9ea43fc0fa2f490dd5845690.js"></script>
+To come up with this I used an embarassing amount of `exploratory programming`_ to figure out astroid. I wrote an initial
+:code:`visit_callfunc()` method based on the sample code that didn't do much more than dump out all the data about the node argument via
+:code:`dir(node)` and :code:`node.__dict__`.
+Then I would call pylint with the plugin against some sample source with the error I was trying to plugin to report.
+I run the plugin against the existing code and found one lingering case where the reviewers had allowed one of my unneccessary str()
+call into the codebase. It's been removed now.
+Lessons Learned
+- pylint plugins are pretty powerful and I wouldn't shy away from writing another one. I'm on the lookout for other excuses to write another one.
+- https://greentreesnakes.readthedocs.io is a useful 'missing manual' for the python AST.
+- format() can take both positional and keyword arguments. My original pass at the plugin only supported positional arguments.
+- The `bandit`_ project exists and looks useful. I stumbled acros it while looking for other pylint plugins.
+.. _this Ned Batchelder post: https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201505/writing_pylint_plugins.html
+.. _here: https://github.com/edx/edx-lint/tree/master/edx_lint/pylint
+.. _pylint's own format checker: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/pylint/checkers/strings.py#L227
+.. _exploratory programming: http://wiki.c2.com/?ExploratoryProgramming
+.. _bandit: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Projects/Bandit
Jude Nagurney
-:date: 2015-02-12
-:tags: resume
-:category: resume
-:author: Jude N
-:status: hidden
+.. :date: 2018-09-20
+.. :tags: resume
+.. :category: resume
+.. :author: Jude N
+.. :status: hidden
| 1136 Forest Edge Drive
| Reston, Virginia, 20190
-| Phone: (703) 831-7492
+| Phone: (703) 829-0744
| jude.nagurney@gmail.com
-| I'm a results-oriented software engineer with a strong focus on agile and devops-related processes.
+| I'm a results-oriented software engineer with a strong focus on agile and devops processes.
Technical Skills:
-- **Languages** : Python, C/C++, Ruby, Perl, Java, SQL, Bash, Expect, Tcl/Tk, UML OCL, COBOL
-- **Tools** : Puppet, Cobbler, Jenkins, emacs, vi, Jira, Bugzilla, git, Mercurial, Subversion, Jira, Crucible, Reviewboard, xUnit, SELinux
-- **Frameworks** : Django, Pylons, Rails, TurboGears, SqlAlchemy
-- **Operating Systems** : Linux (Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS), Microsoft Windows, vxWorks, Solaris
-- **Databases** : PostgresSQL, MySQL, Oracle, DB2
+- **Languages** : Python, C/C++, Ruby, Perl, Java, SQL, Bash, lua, Expect, Tcl/Tk, UML OCL, COBOL
+- **Tools** : Puppet, Salt, Cobbler, Jenkins, emacs, vi, Jira, git, Gitlab, Docker, Mercurial, Subversion, Jira, SELinux
+- **Frameworks** : Django, Angular, Pylons, Rails, SqlAlchemy
+- **Operating Systems** : Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, CentOS, Raspbian), Microsoft Windows, vxWorks, Solaris
+- **Databases** : PostgresSQL, MySQL, Oracle
- **Standards Expertise** : SONET, SDH, TL1, LMP
Work Experience
+Layer 2 Technology
+| **Reston Virginia**
+| **October 2016 - Present**
+Software Engineer
+Developed and maintained Python-based software projects
+- Developed SMS-based solutions using services such as Twilio, Plivo, Nexmo, and Vitelity.
+- Wrote a Errbot plugin for reporting open merge requests that were waiting for peer reviews.
+- Worked on porting projects to Raspbian to run on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.
+ This included rebuilding packages for the arm7 architecture.
+- Developed and maintained Salt states and Puppet manifests for various projects.
+- Developed and maintained Jenkins continuous integration jobs for various projects.
+ Also proactively tracked down the root causes of build failures when the jobs failed.
Applied Security Inc.
| **Reston Virginia**
-| **March 2010 – Present**
+| **March 2010 – October 2016**
+Software Engineer (Development Group)
+| **April 2016 - October 2016**
+Wrote Python code for new projects and extended existing Python code bases
+- Extended a project to dynamically allocate AWS hosts based on system usage.
+- Wrote Python code for sending and receiving SMS messages through Plivo and Twilio
+- Developed and maintained Puppet manifests for development projects
Software Engineer (Security Group)
+| **March 2014 - April 2016**
Extended devops practices to cover security reviews
Software Engineer (Engineering Group)
+| **March 2012 - March 2014**
Introduced 'infrastructure-as-code' to the ASI Engineering group.
Software Engineer (Web Technology Group)
+| **March 2010 - March 2012**
Managed, developed and maintained the Web Technology infrastructure environment.
George Mason University, Information Technology and Engineering School
-Masters of Science / Systems Engineering / Expected Graduation May 2014
Masters of Science / Computer Science / May 2006
Open Source Projects:
+Certmaster (http://github.com/jude/certmaster) (2015-Present)
+- Forked the Fedora Certmaster project adding support for multiple CAs and hash functions other than sha1
Haskell Augeas FFI Bindings (http://trac.haskell.org/augeas/ (2009-Present)
- Provided foreign function interface bindings so Haskell users could easily use the Augeas library
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+Blizzard Chow
+:date: 2016-01-25
+:tags: recipes
+:category: recipes
+:author: Jude N
+I came up with the receipe below while `making the most of my blizzard food stash`_.
+- 1 lb ground turkey
+- ~4 medium celery stalks, diced
+- ~4 medium carrots, diced
+- 1 onion, chopped
+- ~6 garlic cloves, chopped
+- 1tsp `Chinese five spice`_
+- 1tsp basil
+- 1tsp oregano
+1) Brown ground turkey and leave on medium heat.
+2) Heat the garlic and onion until the onion is clear.
+3) Add garlic, onion, and spices to the turkey.
+4) Heat the rest of the veggies in a separate pan.
+5) When the veggies are tender, add half of them to the ground turkey.
+6) Put the otiher half in a blender and blend them into a sauce.
+7) Add the veggie sauce to the ground turkey.
+8) Adjust sauciness by adding a cup or 2 or water to the ground turkey.
+9) Continue heating until you're convinced the turkey is finished cooking.
+10) Salt & pepper to taste.
+I only blended half the veggies because the pan I was using was too small to cook all the veggies at once, but it turned out really nice, especially with some chipotle hot sauce.
+.. _making the most of my blizzard food stash: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/how-to-make-the-most-of-your-blizzard-food-stash--even-when-you-lose-power/2016/01/22/d08d2572-c10c-11e5-bcda-62a36b394160_story.html
+.. _Chinese five spice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-spice_powder