# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have
# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes
# --disable=W"
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
-from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd, re_botcmd, webhook
+from errbot import BotPlugin, arg_botcmd, botcmd, re_botcmd, webhook
from errbot.templating import tenv
from errcron.bot import CrontabMixin
import gitlab
+import requests
+class MargeGitlab(gitlab.Gitlab):
+ """
+ Subclass gitlab.Gitlab so extra_data args can be added
+ to the addprojecthook() and editprojecthook() methods
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host, token="", oauth_token="", verify_ssl=True):
+ super().__init__(host, token, oauth_token, verify_ssl)
+ def addprojecthook_extra(self, project_id, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
+ """
+ A copy parent addprojecthook with an extra_data field
+ """
+ data = {"id": project_id, "url": url}
+ if extra_data:
+ for ed_key, ed_value in extra_data.items():
+ data[ed_key] = ed_value
+ data['push_events'] = int(bool(push))
+ data['issues_events'] = int(bool(issues))
+ data['merge_requests_events'] = int(bool(merge_requests))
+ data['tag_push_events'] = int(bool(tag_push))
+ request = requests.post("{0}/{1}/hooks".format(self.projects_url, project_id),
+ headers=self.headers, data=data, verify=self.verify_ssl)
+ if request.status_code == 201:
+ return request.json()
+ return False
+ def editprojecthook_extra(self, project_id, hook_id, url, push=False, issues=False, merge_requests=False, tag_push=False, extra_data=None):
+ """
+ A copy of the parent editprojecthook with an extra_data field
+ """
+ data = {"id": project_id, "hook_id": hook_id, "url": url}
+ if extra_data:
+ for ed_key, ed_value in extra_data.items():
+ data[ed_key] = ed_value
+ data['push_events'] = int(bool(push))
+ data['issues_events'] = int(bool(issues))
+ data['merge_requests_events'] = int(bool(merge_requests))
+ data['tag_push_events'] = int(bool(tag_push))
+ request = requests.put("{0}/{1}/hooks/{2}".format(self.projects_url, project_id, hook_id),
+ headers=self.headers, data=data, verify=self.verify_ssl)
+ return request.status_code == 200
def deltastr(any_delta):
self.chatroom_host = None
self.gitlab = None
self.soak_delta = None
+ self.webhook_url = None
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_configuration_template(self):
CRONTAB: Schedule of automated merge request checks in '%M %H %d %m %w' format
VERIFY_SSL : True, False, or path to CA cert to verify cert
CRONTAB_SOAK_HOURS : Don't send out reminders about MRs opened less than this many hours
+ WEBHOOK_URL : URL to use for defining MR integration in gitlab
return {'GITLAB_HOST': 'gitlab.example.com',
'GITLAB_ADMIN_TOKEN': 'gitlab-admin-user-private-token',
'CHATROOM_HOST': 'conference.jabber.example.com',
'CRONTAB': '0 11,17 * * *',
+ 'WEBHOOK_URL': 'https://webhooks.example.com:3142/margebot/'}
def check_configuration(self, configuration):
Marge.CRONTAB = ['{} .crontab_hook'.format(self.config['CRONTAB'])]
gitlab_auth_token = self.config['GITLAB_ADMIN_TOKEN']
verify_ssl = self.config['VERIFY_SSL']
- self.gitlab = gitlab.Gitlab(self.git_host, gitlab_auth_token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
+ # self.gitlab = gitlab.Gitlab(self.git_host, gitlab_auth_token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
+ self.gitlab = MargeGitlab(self.git_host, gitlab_auth_token, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
self.soak_delta = relativedelta(hours=self.config['CRONTAB_SOAK_HOURS'])
+ self.webhook_url = self.config['WEBHOOK_URL']
+ if self.webhook_url[-1] != '/':
+ self.webhook_url += '/'
def deactivate(self):
for a_room in notify_rooms.split(','):
- self['OPEN_MRS'] = open_mrs
# Remind each of the rooms about open MRs
for a_room, room_msg_list in reminder_msg.items():
if room_msg_list != []:
return {'sender': sender, 'msg_list': msg_list}
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------
+ # webhook maintenance commands
+ @arg_botcmd('rooms', type=str)
+ @arg_botcmd('repo', type=str)
+ def watchrepo(self, msg, repo, rooms):
+ """
+ Add the margebot webhook to a repo, and prepopulate any open MRs in the repo with margebot
+ args: repo: gitlab repo name in the 'NAMESPACE/PROJECT_NAME' format
+ rooms: comma separates list of rooms to notify when the webhook triggers
+ """
+ self.log.info("msg={}".format(msg))
+ self.log.info("repo={}".format(repo))
+ self.log.info("rooms={}".format(rooms))
+ # get the group/repo repo, error out if it doesn't exist
+ project = self.gitlab.getproject(repo)
+ if not project:
+ msg = "Couldn't find repo {}".format(repo)
+ self.log.info("watchrepo: {}".format(msg))
+ return msg
+ self.log.info('project: {}'.format(project))
+ target_project_id = project['id']
+ # Check is the project already includes the margebot hook
+ # If no hooks, will it return False or [] ?
+ marge_hook = None
+ hooks = self.gitlab.getprojecthooks(target_project_id)
+ if not hooks:
+ msg = "Couldn't find {} hooks".format(repo)
+ self.log.error("watchrepo: {}".format(msg))
+ return msg
+ else:
+ for a_hook in hooks:
+ self.log.info('a_hook: {}'.format(a_hook))
+ if a_hook['merge_requests_events'] and a_hook['url'].startswith(self.webhook_url):
+ marge_hook = a_hook
+ break
+ # If so replace it (or error out ?)
+ url = "{}{}".format(self.webhook_url, rooms) # webhooks_url will end in '/'
+ if marge_hook:
+ old_rooms = marge_hook['url'].split(self.webhook_url, 1)[1]
+ if old_rooms == rooms:
+ msg = "Already reporting {} MRs to the {} room(s)".format(repo, rooms)
+ self.log.info('watchrepo: {}'.format(msg))
+ return msg
+ else:
+ hook_updated = self.gitlab.editprojecthook_extra(target_project_id, marge_hook['id'], url, merge_requests=True, extra_data={'enable_ssl_verification': False})
+ s_watch_msg = "Updating room list for {} MRs from {} to {}".format(repo, old_rooms, rooms)
+ s_action = "update"
+ else:
+ hook_updated = self.gitlab.addprojecthook_extra(target_project_id, url, merge_requests=True, extra_data={'enable_ssl_verification': False})
+ s_watch_msg = "Now watching for new MRs in the {} repo to the {} roomi(s)".format(repo, rooms)
+ s_action = "add"
+ if not hook_updated:
+ msg = "Couldn't {} hook: {}".format(s_action, repo)
+ self.log.error("watchrepo: {}".format(msg))
+ return msg
+ open_mrs = self['OPEN_MRS']
+ mr_count = 0
+ # get the open MRs in the repo
+ # If updating the room list, walk through the existing MR list
+ if s_action == "update":
+ new_open_mrs = {}
+ for (project_id, mr_id, old_rooms) in open_mrs:
+ # pragma pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement
+ if project_id == target_project_id:
+ new_open_mrs[(project_id, mr_id, rooms)] = True
+ else:
+ new_open_mrs[(project_id, mr_id, old_rooms)] = True
+ # pragma pylint: enable=simplifiable-if-statement
+ open_mrs = new_open_mrs
+ # If adding a new repo, check for existing opened/reopened MRs in the repo.
+ else:
+ for state in ['opened', 'reopened']:
+ page = 1
+ mr_list = self.gitlab.getmergerequests(target_project_id, page=page, per_page=100, state=state)
+ while not mr_list and mr_list != []:
+ for an_mr in mr_list:
+ mr_count += 1
+ self.log.info('watchrepo: an_mr WATS THE ID\n{}'.format(an_mr))
+ mr_id = an_mr['id']
+ open_mrs[(target_project_id, mr_id, rooms)] = True
+ # Get the next page of MRs
+ page += 1
+ mr_list = self.gitlab.getmergerequests(target_project_id, page=page, per_page=100)
+ self['OPEN_MRS'] = open_mrs
+ if mr_count == 0:
+ mr_msg = "No open MRs were found in the repo."
+ elif mr_count == 1:
+ mr_msg = "1 open MR was found in the repo. Run !reviews to see the updated MR list."
+ else:
+ mr_msg = "{} open MRs were found in the repo. Run !reviews to see the updated MR list."
+ return "{}\n{}".format(s_watch_msg, mr_msg)
# pragma pylint: disable=unused-argument
def hello(self, msg, args):