The package has two dependencies [d3]( and [chancejs]( that needs to be loaded separatedely for now, in the future there's a plan to add maintain these dependencies.
-Please view the file `examples/default.html` for general usages.
+Please view the file `examples/index.html` for general usages.
### Contribute
-[Gulp]( needs to be installed globally to run the project tasks.
+All tasks are defined in the package.json
Pull Requests are welcome, write tests whenever possible.
- `git clone`
- `npm install`
-- `bower install`
-- `gulp test` - to run your tests
+- `npm test` - to run your tests
+- `npm run build` - to build out your changes
+- `npm run examples` - to generate the examples
+- `npm run test:dist` - make sure uglify doesn't break stuff